Friday, September 23, 2011

LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Presentation at CSCMP’s Annual Conference

The Council of Supply Chain Management’s (CSCMP) Annual Conference
You are invited to attend LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Presentation at CSCMP’s Annual Conference in Philadelphia, October 3rd, 2011 (1:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M., Room 108B).
LQ’s 3PL presentation will be made by LQ’s Executive Editors David Closs, PhD, Michigan State University and Thomas Goldsby, PhD, Ohio State University.
Dr. Closs and Dr. Goldsby will be sharing their insights on LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program 2011 at CSCMP’s Annual Conference.
For more information regarding CSCMP's Annual Conference, please visit:
LQ’s team would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for C.H. Robinson Worldwide's support and sponsorship in making LQ’s annual 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program possible.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NASSTRAC Announcement

NASSTRAC Appoints Tom Wenzinger to NASSTRAC Executive Committee


Washington, DC—NASSTRAC, an industry association that provides education, advocacy, and provider relations to transportation and supply chain professionals involved in all modes of transportation, announced today that Tom Wenzinger, director of corporate traffic at Advance Stores Company, Inc. has been named to the association’s executive committee.


NASSTRAC's executive committee is primarily responsible for setting the strategic direction of the 59-year-old industry shipper association. Wenzinger joins the leadership team comprised primarily of transportation and supply chain executives from a wide variety of leading manufacturers and retailers. He has extensive experience in the transportation industry and is now directly responsible for Advance Stores Company’s inbound collect programs, negotiating carrier contracts, capacity planning, reverse logistics, and strategic planning. 


“In this uncertain economy and with pending legislation under discussion in Washington that will dramatically affect the entire transportation industry, it is critical NASSTRAC maintain its strategic approach to representing its members and the industry. It's also critical that we continue to provide quality education to keep an informed marketplace on the issues, and to provide a venue by which shippers and providers can continue to build productive relationships. Wenzinger's appointment strengthens the leadership's ability to accomplish these organizational goals through his proven leadership skills gained at several large corporations,” said Brian Everett, ABC, executive director, NASSTRAC.


One of Wenzinger’s first roles will be to join the NASSTRAC Advocacy Committee and other industry leaders for a “Fly-in” to meet with members of Congress and their aides in Washington on September 27-28 to represent the association in opposing unwise or excessively burdensome regulation. Recent advocacy issues such as the potential changes to hours of service, and truck size and weight limitations (SHIPA), have a potential to increase transportation costs by 8 - 10% each year.




NASSTRAC provides education, advocacy, provider relations, and networking for professionals involved in all modes of transportation, ranging from full truckload and LTL to containerization and global logistics. For more information, visit